Most people call it "camping", but i prefer "living outdoors". Camping is what you do when you spend a few night outdoors. You don't hear the song nearly as clearly as when you are living outdoors. "Living outdoors" suggests a much closer relationship with the land. It is an art, but is even more than that. It is the beginning of a relationship with the world of nature, a world of lakes and rivers, rocky, pine-covered shores and plunging rapids.
Bill Mason - Song of the Paddle
Inspiratia de care avem nevoie
Fara sa constientizam crestem si ne dezvoltam ca oameni dupa modelele altor oameni. Intr-o anumita masura suntem oglindirea celor dinaintea noastra si a celor de …
April 14, 2021
Viata la Cabana
O iarna de singuratate
A fost mai lunga decat am crezut… Dar cum pentru mine singur nu inseamna sa ma simt singur, ci mai degraba ma folosesc de solitudine …
April 14, 2021